FSB encourages authorities to explore the potential for a macroprudential policy response in parallel with microprudential measures to address climate-related risks and stresses the need for the timely issuance of a final global baseline climate reporting standard, ready for adoption across jurisdictions.
Press Releases
13 October 2022
11 October 2022
FSB Chairs letter warns of risks to the outlook for financial stability, and presents the FSB’s reports on crypto-assets, cross-border payments, cyber incident reporting and climate disclosures and regulatory and supervisory approaches to addressing climate-related financial risks.
FSB announces a comprehensive set of proposals for the regulation and supervision of crypto-asset activities and invites feedback on the recommendations.
10 October 2022
FSB issues progress report and outlines priorities for next phase of work under its Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-border Payments.
First annual progress report takes stock of progress made by standard-setting bodies and other international organisations on the actions coordinated through the FSB Roadmap, outlines areas for further attention, and provides updates where needed to the detailed Roadmap actions.
FSB Chair’s letter presents the FSB’s report on exit strategies to support equitable recovery and address effects from COVID-19 scarring in the financial sector; discusses the FSB’s role coordinating the international regulation of crypto-assets; and reviews progress under the FSB roadmap for addressing climate-related financial risks.
11 July 2022
Statement reaffirms FSB’s commitment to promote international consistency of regulatory and supervisory approaches and facilitate cross-border and cross-sector cooperation amongst national authorities and international standard-setters as they work towards developing risk-based and technology-neutral policy for the wide spectrum of crypto-assets, grounded in the principle of “same, activity, same risk, same regulation”.
Report outlines the benefits that could accrue from the use of the Legal Entity Identifier in cross-border payment transactions and sets out recommendations and options to promote the use of the LEI.
6 July 2022
FSB proposes key performance indicators for measuring progress toward the G20 cross-border payments targets.
30 June 2022
FSB members discussed the outlook for global financial stability against the backdrop of the continuing war against Ukraine, as well as the FSB’s planned contributions to the July G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in Indonesia.