Guidance issued as part of the workplan to strengthen the resilience, recovery and resolution of CCPs.
Policy Documents
25 January 2017
FSB sets out measure to quantify non-cash collateral re-use.
12 January 2017
Recommendations focus on open-ended fund liquidity mismatch, investment fund leverage, operational risk and securities lending.
19 October 2016
A methodology for assessing the implementation of the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions in the banking sector.
FSB guidance on operational continuity in resolution to support the resolution planning work of authorities and firms.
18 August 2016
FSB guiding principles on funding in resolution to ensure that temporary funding is available to enable the effective resolution of G-SIBs without bail-out by the public sector.
6 June 2016
Guidance for authorities in planning resolution of systemically important insurers.
18 November 2015
FSB standards and processes to allow the FSB to periodically collect aggregated data on securities financing transactions.
12 November 2015
FSB framework for numerical haircut floors to non-bank-to-non-bank securities financing transactions.
9 November 2015
Final TLAC Principles and Term Sheet agreed by the FSB as part of measures to end too-big-to-fail.