This document describes the objectives and sets out guidelines for the conduct of FSB peer reviews.
Peer Review Reports
23 January 2014
9 September 2013
This report examines topics that are relevant for financial stability and important for the UK: macro-prudential policy framework; micro-prudential supervision; and supervision and oversight of CCPs.
29 August 2013
The interim report includes a structured stock-taking of references to CRA ratings in national authorities' laws and regulations and of actions taken and underway to reduce those references.
27 August 2013
This report examines topics that are relevant for financial stability and important for the US: systemic risk oversight arrangements; supervision and oversight of FMIs; and insurance supervision.
11 April 2013
The thematic peer review report evaluates FSB jurisdictions’ existing resolution regimes and planned changes to those regimes using the FSB Key Attributes for Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions as a benchmark, and makes recommendations to support its timely and consistent implementation.
11 February 2013
The report takes stock of risk governance practices at national authorities and firms, notes progress made since the financial crisis, identifies sound practices and sets out recommendations.
5 February 2013
This report examines important financial reform topics in South Africa that are relevant for the broader FSB membership: interagency coordination and regulatory structure, and OTC derivatives markets regulation.
8 February 2012
The review takes stock of FSB member jurisdictions’ deposit insurance systems as well as describes the range of practices and the rationale underpinning different arrangements.
1 February 2012
This handbook was originally published in February 2012 and was replaced with a revised version in January 2014.
30 January 2012
This report assesses Canada's progress in addressing FSAP findings in banking supervision, the functioning of ABCP and structured finance markets, securities regulation, and securities settlement systems.