FSB Plenary appoints Randal K. Quarles as its new Chair and Klaas Knot as Vice Chair.
26 November 2018
FSB seeks academic subject experts for evaluation of the effects of G20 financial regulation reforms on SME financing.
FSB seeks academic experts for evaluation of the effects of financial reforms on the financing of infrastructure investment.
28 February 2018
FSB calls for papers on post-implementation evaluations of the G20 financial regulatory reforms for CEBRA conference.
6 October 2017
Dietrich Domanski becomes FSB Secretary General from 15 January 2018.
18 August 2017
FSB seeks academic experts to help assess effects of reforms to OTC derivatives market.
Deadline for applications is 25 August 2017.
FSB holds meeting of RCG for Europe in Oslo.
Following the completion of its third progress report the FSB announces that the EDTF’s work is complete.
21 January 2016
SCBR is responsible for the assessment of the resource needs of the FSB Secretariat and for its medium-term budget and resource framework.