Responses to past consultations

98 results

Recommendations for national supervisors: Reporting on the use of compensation tools to address potential misconduct risk: Overview of responses to the consultation

An overview of responses to the May 2018 consultation.

Evaluation of the effects of financial regulatory reforms on infrastructure finance: Overview of responses to the consultation

An overview of responses to the July 2018 consultation.

Evaluation of incentives to centrally clear OTC derivatives: Overview of responses to the consultation

An overview of responses to the August 2018.

Cyber Lexicon: Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the July 2018 consultation on the FSB’s Cyber Lexicon.

Public responses to the consultation on Incentives to centrally clear over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives

Consultation responses to ‘Incentives to centrally clear over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives’.

Public responses to the Consultative Document of the Evaluation on the Effects of Financial Regulatory Reforms on Infrastructure Finance

Consultation responses to ‘Effects of Reforms on Infrastructure Finance Consultative Document’.

Public responses to the Cyber Lexicon Consultative Document

Consultation responses to ‘Cyber Lexicon Consultative Document’.

Public responses to consultation on Recommendations for consistent national reporting of data on the use of compensation tools to address misconduct risk

Consultation responses to ‘Recommendations for consistent national reporting of data on the use of compensation tools to address misconduct risk’.

Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan: Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the November 2017 consultation on the funding strategy elements of an implementable resolution plan.

Principles on Bail-in Execution: Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the November 2017 consultation on principles on bail-in execution.