
The FSB issues consultations for all policy documents. The consultation process includes the following three transparent steps:

  • Consultations: these will generally last 60 days and will be displayed on this page. The FSB issues Email Alerts when new publications, including consultations, are published on the its website.
  • Public responses to consultations: these are published on the consultation responses page within 15 days of the consultation closing.
  • Overview of responses: when the final policy document is published, following agreement by the FSB Plenary, a report providing an overview of comments and responses to the issues raised in the consultation is published on the FSB website. (Individual public responses can then be viewed on the relevant consultation overview report page).
Current consultations

Current consultations

Find out what the FSB currently consults on.

Past Consultations

Past consultations

Browse all public consultations the FSB has conducted.

Responses to past consultations

Responses received to FSB consultations are available publicly.