
Governance arrangements for the unique product identifier (UPI): key criteria and functions

FSB consultation on proposed governance arrangements for the unique product identifier (UPI).

Second phase of the G20 Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-2): Second Progress Report

Progress report on actions to address data gaps.

FSB and IMF report on progress with G20 Data Gaps Initiative

FSB and IMF report progress on implementation of recommendations to address data gaps.

Application paper on regulation and supervision of mutuals, cooperatives and community-based organisations in increasing access to insurance markets

Based on the IAIS Insurance Core Principles the Paper provides guidance on the supervision of Mutuals, Cooperatives and Community-based Organisations (MCCOs) to increase access to insurance markets.

Harmonisation of the unique product identifier – technical guidance

This CPMI-IOSCO report provides technical guidance to authorities to enable them to set rules on assigning uniform global Unique Product Identifiers (UPI) to products involved in OTC derivatives transactions.

Peer Review of Argentina

Peer review examines Argentina’s macroprudential policy framework and the framework for crisis management and resolution.

FSB completes peer review of Argentina

FSB publishes a peer review of Argentina, which focused on the macroprudential policy framework and the framework for crisis management and resolution.

Call for nominations: academic subject matter expert

FSB seeks academic experts to help assess effects of reforms to OTC derivatives market.

Guidance on Central Counterparty Resolution and Resolution Planning: Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the February 2017 consultation on central counterparty resolution and resolution planning.

Guiding Principles on the Internal Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity of G-SIBs (‘Internal TLAC’): Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the December 2016 consultation on the internal Total Loss-absorbing Capacity of G-SIBs (‘Internal TLAC’).


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