24 March 2003
1 February 2003
The principles are intended to provide useful guidance for issuers in preparing MD&A-type disclosure and for regulators in reviewing such disclosure.
1 January 2003
This document sets out the Committee's conclusions as regards the supervisory treatment of shell banks and booking offices.
1 January 2003
This document sets out supervisory guidance for dealing with parallel banks.
20 October 2002
On 20-21 October 2002, the FSF hosted a Roundtable discussion on weaknesses in market foundations and the reforms underway to address them. A wide range of market practitioners and professionals, regulators/supervisors, standard-setters, and academic participated in the Roundtable discussion, for which an issues paper and a compendium of recent initiatives were prepared. Amongst the main points […]
10 October 2002
1 October 2002
IFRS is a single set of accounting standards, developed and maintained by the IASB with the intention of those standards being capable of being applied on a globally consistent basis.