
International Disclosure Principles for Cross Border Offerings and Listing of Debt Securities by Foreign Issuers

These principles provide guidance to securities regulators who are developing or reviewing their regulatory disclosure regimes for cross-border offerings and listings of debt securities.

IAIS Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation and Information Exchange (IAIS MMoU)

The objective of the IAIS MMoU is to provide a tool for supervisors by establishing a formal basis for cooperation and information exchange between Signatory Authorities regarding the supervision of insurance companies where cross-border aspects arise.  This is inline with the IAIS' broader objective to encourage cooperation and information exchange amongst insurance supervisors.

Financial Stability Forum Concludes its European Regional Meeting

General Principles for International Remittances Services

The General Principles for International Remittances Services (GPs) provide guidance on how to improve the national market for international remittances by increasing efficiency and ultimately reducing the cost of transfer.

Switzerland to Join the Financial Stability Forum as a Member, Basel

Statement by Mario Draghi Chairman of the Financial Stability Forum International Monetary and Financial Committee Meeting

Financial Stability Forum Meets in Paris

Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems

This cover note highlights and summarises those initiatives started during the previous six months, out of the initiatives in the attached Secretariat detailed note on work relevant to sound financial systems. Contact information for projects is also provided in the detailed note. The cover note also includes an overview of major ongoing international regulatory initiatives, […]

The IRB Use Test: Background and Implementation

This document presents a number of principles that are intended to support banks and supervisors in interpreting the key use test provisions of the Basel II Framework.

High-Level Principles for Business Continuity

The document outlines business continuity principles that apply to industry participants and financial authorities.


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