The principles in this document promote strong governance processes around valuations; the use of reliable inputs and diverse information sources; the articulation and communication of valuation uncertainty to internal and external stakeholders; the allocation of sufficient banking and supervisory resources to the valuation process; independent verification and validation processes; consistency in valuation practices for risk management and reporting purposes, where possible; and strong supervisory oversight around bank valuation practices.
This document includes high-level principles for cross-border cooperation on crisis management between relevant authorities.
12 March 2009
9 March 2009
The sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) is an international statistical standard that provides guidance to IMF member countries in the compilation of balance of payments and international investment position statistics. The BPM6 is consistent with the concepts and definitions encompassed in the 2008 System of National Accounts.
1 December 2008
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide pension supervisors with general supervisory approaches for the conduct of the supervisory process.