The Monitoring Group, a group of international regulatory bodies and related organizations committed to advancing the public interest in areas related to international audit quality, announces the adoption of a formal Charter.
12 May 2009
This document describes the supervisory expectations for the information that must be included in payment messages related to cover payments, the various mechanisms that must be used to ensure that complete and accurate information has been included in such messages, and the use that should be made of the information for anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism purposes.
6 May 2009
This IADI guidance paper examines various approaches to funding used by deposit insurers and suggests guidance on the design of funding mechanisms and other closely related features of deposit insurance system.
The paper provides guidance on how to promote effective public awareness of deposit insurance system.
This IADI guidance paper reviews the governance frameworks used by deposit insurers and, where appropriate, suggests guidance in the form of principles and effective practices in order to enhance the sound governance of deposit insurance systems.
25 April 2009
2 April 2009
The Principles are intended to reduce incentives towards excessive risk taking that may arise from the structure of compensation schemes.
FSF re-established as the Financial Stability Board with a broadened mandate to promote financial stability.
The FSF issued reports today covering recommendations for addressing procyclicality in the financial system, principles for sound compensation practices and principles for cross-border cooperation on crisis management.
Prepared remarks by Mario Draghi, Chairman of the Financial Stability Forum at the conclusion of London Summit on 2 April 2009.