15 September 2009
15 September 2009
At its meeting in Paris, the FSB reviewed the main risks facing the financial system and potential policy responses. It also discussed further work to improve financial regulation and progress in implementing reforms.
13 September 2009
1 September 2009
IOSCO developed recommendations in relation to Unregulated Financial Markets and Products, in particular to securitisation and credit default swap markets.
The Principles and Standards for Sound Compensation Practices intend to reduce incentives towards excessive risk taking that may arise from the structure of compensation schemes for significant financial institutions.
1 July 2009
Outsourcing poses important challenges to the integrity and effectiveness of the financial and capital markets and for the market authorities.
27 June 2009
The FSB held its inaugural meeting in Basel on 26-27 June. This was the first meeting since the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) was re-established as the FSB with an expanded membership and a broader mandate to promote financial stability.
IOSCO establishes good practices in relation to investment managers' due diligence when investing in structured finance instruments.
1 June 2009
This report contains six high level principles on the regulation of hedge funds including mandatory registration, appropriate disclosures and sharing of information.
1 June 2009
IOSCO developed high-level principles for the effective regulation of short selling. These principles are designed to assist regulators in their consideration of a regulatory regime for short selling.