7 November 2009
7 November 2009
7 November 2009
7 November 2009
This report describes the measures that have been taken and other progress made since the Pittsburgh Summit to implement the recommendations made by the G20 and the FSB for strengthening financial stability.
7 November 2009
Note for the G20 Ministers and Governors for their 6-7 November 2009 meeting on the appropriate considerations for the removal of extraordinary financial sector support measures.
These guidelines outline how pension supervisory authorities should apply their intervention, enforcement and sanction powers.
29 October 2009
The report identifies the main financial and economic information gaps based on the experience of the recent financial crisis and presents recommendations for closing them.
21 October 2009
21 October 2009
Senior Supervisors Group Report on Risk Management Lessons from the Global Banking Crisis of 2008 and related supplement. The mission statement of the senior Supervisors Group can be found here.
21 October 2009
On March 6, 2008, the Senior Supervisors Group (SSG) released its first report, Observations on Risk Management Practices during the Recent Market Turbulence (the “first report”). The report conveyed our assessment of the risk management practices that made some firms better able than others to withstand market stresses in the fall of 2007.At that time, […]