This is the FSB’s first progress report on implementation of OTC derivatives market reforms.
15 April 2011
This report provides an overview of work underway to implement the G20 recommendations for strengthening financial stability. It focuses on international policy development and implementation that has taken place since the G20 Finance Ministers and Governors meeting in February 2011.
11 April 2011
The FSB seeks feedback on its note on recent developments in the ETF markets. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 16 May 2011.
11 April 2011
This paper sets out the current thinking of the task force especially on what is meant by the "shadow banking sytem". The FSB invites feedback on this note sent to [email protected] by 16 May 2011.
11 April 2011
This paper highlights a number of recent developments related to certain types of ETFs that pose concerns to financial stability. Feedback on the note should be sent to [email protected] by 16 May 2011.
11 April 2011
5 April 2011
At its meeting in Rome today, the FSB assessed vulnerabilities affecting the financial system, and made decisions needed to progress major initiatives to strengthen the resiliency of the financial system.
1 April 2011