On 12 April 2011, the FSB published a note titled "Shadow Banking: Scoping the Issues". Comments received from the public on this note are published here.
19 May 2011
This document provide guidance and serve as a reference point for insurers, governmental authorities, and other relevant stakeholders. They are applicable to any insurer licensed to underwrite life, non–life and reinsurance policies and take into account the specificities of the sector.
18 May 2011
16 May 2011
Public contributions received on the FSB's note on ETFs published on 12 April 2011. The FSB and its member authorities and standard setting bodies are continuing to monitor developments in the ETF market closely, and will use the feedback received as an input for their work.
3 May 2011
1 May 2011
These principles focus on a number of areas of regulatory concern which may adversely impact the market including transparency and price discovery, market fragmentation, knowledge of trading intentions, fair access; and the ability to assess actual trading volume in dark pools.
29 April 2011
This progress report announces that the FSB has prioritized a pool of about 60 jurisdictions for evaluation and will publish in November 2011 the list of jurisdictions evaluated, including any non-cooperative jurisdictions.
29 April 2011
18 April 2011
16 April 2011
This statement highlights some key priority areas for policy development and implementation.