On 19 July 2011, the FSB published its consultative document on Effective Resolution of SIFIs. Feedback received from 59 entities on the document are published here.
2 September 2011
Credit reporting systems are a key element of countries' financial infrastructure. The General Principles (GPs) aim at strengthening credit reporting systems to effectively support the sound and fair extension of credit in an economy as the foundation for robust and competitive markets. To this end, the GPs promote safe and efficient credit reporting systems.
This consultative document contains a comprehensive package of proposed policy measures to improve the capacity of authorities to resolve SIFIs. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 2 September 2011.
The FSB and BCBS seek feedback on two consultative documents that set out proposed measures to address the moral hazard risks posed by SIFIs. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 2 September 2011 and [email protected] by 26 August 2011.
18 July 2011
At its meeting in Paris today, the FSB assessed vulnerabilities affecting the financial system and the progress of initiatives in a variety of policy areas to address them. The meeting also approved the finalised arrangements for the establishment of Regional Consultative Groups to broaden the range of countries involved in the FSB’s work.
Remarks by Tiff Macklem, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada, delivered to the G20 workshop in Paris, France.
1 July 2011
This report updates on progress by the FSB Secretariat and IMF staff in implementing the 20 recommendations in the November 2009 report endorsed by the G20.
The document identifies supervisory guidelines associated with the development and maintenance of key internal governance, data and modelling frameworks underlying the Advanced Measurement Approaches for operational risk.