In November 2010, G20 Leaders “called on the FSB, IMF and BIS to do further work on macroprudential policy frameworks, including tools to mitigate the impact of excessive capital flows, and update Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their next meeting.” They noted that “these frameworks should take into account national and regional arrangements” […]
27 October 2011
This report sets out general principles for designing and implementing regulatory measures to address the risks identified by the shadow banking monitoring process and describes work plans for five workstreams that will assess in more detail the case for further regulatory action.
26 October 2011
26 October 2011
This report takes stock of these efforts to enhance consumer protection policies with a focus on the financial stability aspects of consumer finance protection, narrowly covering policies relating to consumer credit.
This consultative document set out a framework for sound residential mortgage underwriting practices. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 9 December 2011.
This report takes stock of efforts to enhance consumer protection policies with a focus on the financial stability aspects of consumer finance protection, narrowly covering policies relating to consumer credit.
26 October 2011
This consultative document aims to provide a framework for jurisdictions to set minimum acceptable residential mortgage underwriting standards. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 9 December 2011.
Emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) comprise a large and diverse group whose financial systems have grown in importance over the last decade. Based on the classification of countries used by the IMF in its World Economic Outlook (WEO), 150 economies are classified as EMDEs, including 10 members of the G20.They differ substantially in terms of economic […]