
Guidance on Supervisory Interaction with Financial Institutions on Risk Culture

This consultative documents seeks feedback on the foundational elements that contribute to the promotion of a sound risk culture within financial institutions.

Principles for an Effective Risk Appetite Framework

The FSB Principles set out key elements for an effective risk appetite framework (RAF) and establish common definitions for terms used in risk appetite frameworks. The Principles aim to help enhance supervisory oversight of firms, in particular of SIFIs, and communication between supervisors and financial institutions.

FSB consults on Principles for an Effective Risk Appetite Framework

FSB seeks feedback on its principles to assess the effectiveness of firms' risk appetite frameworks. Responses to the consultation should be sent to [email protected] by Monday 30 September 2013.

FSB releases Guidance for More Effective Supervision of Risk Appetite and Risk Culture at Financial Institutions

The FSB seeks feedback on the draft guidance to assess risk culture by 31 January 2014. Responses should be sent to [email protected].

FSB publishes Global Shadow Banking Monitoring 2013

The FSB publishes its 2013 Global Shadow Banking Monitoring Report

The FSB publishes the results of its third annual monitoring exercise to assess global trends and risks of the shadow banking system.

Global Shadow Banking Monitoring Report 2013

This report presents the results of the third annual global shadow banking monitoring exercise and offers a systematic account of the size, composition and trends of non-bank financial intermediation across major global financial systems.

FSB announces 2013 update of group of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs)

FSB announces 2013 update of group of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs)

The FSB published today its annual update of the list of G-SIBs, using end-2012 data and an updated assessment methodology published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in July 2013.

2013 Update of Group of Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs)

The FSB and the BCBS have updated the list of G-SIBs, using end-2012 data and an updated assessment methodology published by the BCBS in July 2013.


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