
FSB publishes Third Progress Report on Compensation Practices

The FSB published today the third progress report on the implementation of the FSB Principles for Sound Compensation Practices and their Implementation Standards (P&S) by FSB jurisdictions.

The FSB publishes its 2014 Global Shadow Banking Monitoring Report

The FSB publishes the results of its fourth annual monitoring exercise to assess global trends and risks of the shadow banking system. The report is accompanied by a comprehensive set of data at the national and aggregate level.

Global Shadow Banking Monitoring Report 2014

The annual shadow banking monitoring exercise is accompanied by a comprehensive data set at national and aggregate level as well as the data underlying most of the exhibits shown in the report.

Third progress report on compensation practices

The report reports on remaining implementation gaps and focuses on some of the key challenges and evolving practices in this area.

Third progress report on compensation practices

IADI Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems

This standard serves as a benchmark for jurisdictions to assess the quality of their deposit insurance systems and for identifying gaps in their deposit insurance practices and measures to address them. It may also be used by the IMF and World Bank in the context of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) to assess the effectiveness of jurisdictions deposit insurance systems and practices.

Structural Banking Reforms: Cross-border Consistencies and Global Financial Stability Implications

This report discusses recent structural banking reforms, their objectives and main elements, and cross-border considerations.

FSB RCG Europe meets in Basel, Switzerland

The FSB hosted the seventh meeting of the FSB Regional Consultative Group for Europe in Basel, Switzerland.

Basic capital requirements for systemically important insurers

The BCR serves as a comparable basis for the application of proposed higher loss absorbency requirements.

Guidance on liquidity management and planning

The purpose of this document is to provide further guidance to group-wide supervisors on how they could direct G-SIIs to develop their liquidity management.


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