
Meeting of the Financial Stability Board in Tokyo on 30-31 March

FSB Plenary meets to discuss emerging vulnerabilities, asset management and market liquidity risks, shadow banking, climate risks, fin tech, CCP resilience and macroprudential tools as well as issues of particular relevance to EMDEs.

FSB publishes Second Thematic Peer Review on Resolution Regimes

Peer review evaluates progress in implementing reforms to bank resolution regimes in FSB jurisdictions.

Second Thematic Review on Resolution Regimes

This thematic peer review examines bank resolution powers, as well as any requirements for recovery and resolution planning and resolvability assessments for domestically incorporated banks, in FSB jurisdictions.

FSB Chair’s Letter to G20 Ministers and Governors on Financial Reforms – Progress on the Work Plan for the Hangzhou Summit

Letter from FSB Chair to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors sets out the FSB’s work programme for 2016.

FSB Chair sets out to the G20 the FSB work programme for 2016

FSB publishes letter sent to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in advance of their meeting in Shanghai on 26-27 February.

Possible Measures of Non-Cash Collateral Re-Use

This report considers potential measures for the re-use of non-cash collateral and related data elements to help assess global trends and financial stability risks.

FSB releases report on possible measures of non-cash collateral re-use

FSB seeks feedback on report which considers possible measures of the re-use of non-cash collateral.

IFIAR Report on 2014 Survey of Inspection Findings

This is the third global survey of audit inspection findings summarising issues identified by IFIAR Members located around the world. The survey responds to a request from the FSB to provide information regarding findings from the inspections of audits of major financial institutions.

Guidance for a risk-based approach for money or value transfer services

This non-binding Guidance is intended to assist countries and their competent authorities, as well as the practitioners in the Money or Value Transfer Services (MVTS) sector and in the banking sector that have or are considering MVTS providers as customers, to apply the risk-based approach associated to MVTS.

Alexandre Tombini appointed as Chair of the FSB’s Standing Committee on Budget and Resources

SCBR is responsible for the assessment of the resource needs of the FSB Secretariat and for its medium-term budget and resource framework.


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