The schedule of the second round of FSB country reviews and the year of the most recent (completed) FSAP and of the previous peer review for a jurisdiction are shown below.

Year of launch
of second
peer review
FSB member Latest FSAP First peer review Comment
2019 South Africa Feb 2022 Feb 2013 Report published in Mar 2020
Mexico Nov 2022 Sep 2010 Report published in Mar 2020
Germany Jul 2022 Apr 2014 Report published in Jul 2020
Indonesia Jun 2017 Feb 2014 Report published in Feb 2021
United Kingdom Feb 2022 Sep 2013 Report published in Apr 2021
2023 Italy Mar 2020 Mar 2011 Report published in Jan 2024
Switzerland Jun 2019 Jan 2012 Report published in Feb 2024
2024 Brazil Nov 2018 Apr 2017 Underway
France Jul 2019 Jul 2017 Underway
Netherlands Apr 2024 Nov 2014 To launch in H2 2024
2025 Spain Oct 2017 Mar 2011  
China Dec 2017 Aug 2015  
Türkiye Jan 2023 Nov 2015  
2026 Canada Jun 2019 Jan 2012  
EU Jul 2018* n/a  
India Dec 2017 Aug 2016  
Saudi Arabia Oct 2017 Nov 2015  
or later (tbc)
Argentina Jul 2013 Aug 2017  
Australia Feb 2019 Sep 2011  
Hong Kong Jun 2021 Feb 2018  
Japan May 2024 Dec 2016  
Korea Apr 2020 Dec 2017  
Russia Jul 2016 Feb 2015  
Singapore Jul 2019 Feb 2018  
United States Aug 2020 Aug 2013  

* Refers to the Euro Area.