FSB announces establishment of the Forum on Cross-border Payments Data

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) today announced the establishment of a Forum on Cross-Border Payments Data. This initiative is a key outcome from the FSB’s Recommendations for data frameworks related to cross-border payments that were published in December 2024, and forms part of the FSB’s increasing emphasis on promoting implementation of its policy recommendations.

Differences in laws, regulations, and practices between countries can create unnecessary frictions in cross-border payments, increasing costs and risks for businesses and individuals. By bringing together experts in payments, anti-money laundering and countering terrorist financing, sanctions, and data privacy and protection, the Forum will work to strengthen cooperation on data-related issues in cross-border payments, such as the way data is collected, stored and managed across borders.

Working with competent international organisations, including with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the forum will serve as a platform for dialogue, information exchange, and research, helping to identify and address inconsistencies in global data frameworks. An advisory body comprised of private sector representatives will also be created to provide industry perspectives and expertise to the Forum.

Its first meeting will be held in May and will be chaired by Gianmatteo Piazza of the Bank of Italy.

Public responses to consultation on Leverage in Non-Bank Financial Intermediation

On 18 December 2024, the FSB published Leverage in Non-Bank Financial Intermediation: Consultation report. Interested parties were invited to provide written comments by 28 February 2025. The public comments received are available below.

The FSB thanks those who took the time and effort to express their views. The FSB expects to publish the final report in July 2025.

Mind the speed: how regulators can prepare for a faster financial system

Speech by Martin Moloney, Deputy Secretary General of the Financial Stability Board, at the GFTN Forum Japan, Tokyo, 4 March 2025.

The views expressed in these remarks are those of the speaker in his role as FSB Secretary General and do not necessarily reflect those of the FSB or its members.

Good afternoon, and thank you for inviting me to speak here today.

As technology advances at what can feel like an unprecedented pace, the financial industry stands at a crossroads. Innovations related to blockchain, AI, and digital payments promise to revolutionize financial services. Yet, the fundamental principles of finance—risk management, reliable information, and trustworthy counterparts— must remain our bedrock.

Today, I will explore how this perspective  underpins the FSB’s work focused on technological innovation, helping us harness the benefits of innovation while safeguarding financial stability.

Financial activities have evolved over centuries, marked by repeated financial innovations  like double book entry accounting or interest rate swaps, and technological innovations like the telegraph and the internet. Each period of innovation is marked by opportunity and risk. The innovations we’re seeing today I’d argue are more technological than financial – many of the new technologies we’re dealing with are broader than financial services and have implications far beyond financial stability.

Yet these technological changes are promising to transform financial services. What are the financial stability implications and challenges of these changes and how should we manage them?

The basic economic activities of the financial system in funding the real economy remain virtually unchanged, healthy finance is governed by the three key parameters I have mentioned concerning Risk management, Information processing, and Trust.

Financial risk-taking is essential for healthy economic outcomes, such as borrowing to build a factory, a farmer hedging against the risk their crop prices decline at harvest, or seeking investment for new ideas.

Managing these risks safely requires  company’s ability to repay a loan or price a commodity contract. However, an asymmetry of information is common in financial markets. For example, between savers and borrowers because each saver cannot know all the relevant information for each borrower to make a sound decision to invest or lend their money. Financial intermediaries manage this information asymmetry by conducting due diligence and monitoring risks.

The financial system relies on trust. We can often trust large participants in the financial system because maintaining a strong reputation as a trustworthy intermediary is more profitable than betraying that trust.

But risk must be proportionate to risk appetite, information must be reliable and trust is ever fragile. The history of finance is replete with booms, busts, and panics disclosing what can go wrong.

Regulation has emerged because it has repeatedly been found to be needed to make these three parameters work, I am tempted to say that regulation has been found to be necessary to finance, just as oil is necessary to a car. But I know that if I say that, someone will point out that electric cars don’t need oil. Could technology do away with the need for regulation? I very much doubt it, so perhaps the analogy does not work so well but you get the point. The FSB has recently released several reports on AI, tokenisation, and crypto-assets. These reports highlight that the underlying vulnerabilities are similar to traditional finance: Tokenisation of real estate can cause liquidity mismatches, as tokens trade quickly while underlying assets remain illiquid, posing significant risks during market stress. Multi-function crypto-asset intermediaries often engage in highly leveraged trading, increasing the risk of substantial losses and erratic behaviour by them in volatile markets. These new technologies also pose higher operational risks, such as the 2023 incident where a major tokenisation platform experienced a smart contract bug, freezing millions of dollars’ worth of assets and disrupting market operations. These innovations also affect financial stability through interconnectedness, confidence effects, and wealth effects. For example, AI-driven trading algorithms can amplify herding behaviour, as seen during the 2024 market correction when simultaneous sell-offs exacerbated market volatility

Behind each technological innovation, we find familiar risks.

The FSB’s primary principle to address innovation is that if the underlying economic activities are the same, the risks are likely to be the same, and similar regulations should apply. The second principle is technology neutrality, allowing the market to decide on innovations. These principles, although valid, are challenging in practice.

Calculating when risks are the ‘same’ is complex. The risks of investing in bitcoin are not the same for a well-advised pension fund as for ill-advised retail investors. Technology neutrality means allowing innovation that complies with existing regulations while not hindering technological advancements. But if innovation shifts more risk onto uninformed clients, maintaining “technology neutrality” might be seen as a shift in prioritising financial stability over consumer protection – that may not seem neutral to those uninformed clients.

 As difficult as the details can be in practice, one thing is surely clear in an age where information processing is at the heart of technological innovation: these innovations increase the speed at which risks, information, and trust are managed.

For example, a sudden drop in a tokenized asset’s value can immediately impact portfolios globally. AI may cause herding behaviour, with potentially larger proportions of market participants adjusting their portfolios in similar ways at the same time, leading to larger swings in asset prices.

AI could also bring opportunities that automate and speed up much of the activities that financial intermediaries offer to assemble, analyse, and interpret information to make decisions for their customers and clients.  The prevalence of more immediate financial information could reinforce or magnify the speed of risk transmission.    

Finally, as the speed of risk and information increases, so does the speed at which trust can be won or lost. Money can move rapidly into or out of projects, causing significant asset price swings or faster bank runs, as seen with Credit Suisse and Silicon Valley Bank. And let’s not forget the potential for social media to accelerate future deposit runs or runs on similar non-banks that offer immediate liquidity through the propagation of information, including rumours or false information.

I would offer four observations for regulatory authorities to tackle technological innovation in financial services and overcome these challenges:

First, new technologies often bring new entrants, requiring swift regulatory inclusion. Regulators need to act quickly to bring these actors inside the regulatory perimeter, as seen with crypto-assets. We often get the argument that regulation needs to adapt to innovation and not the other way around. This argument goes that we must lift the regulatory burden off innovators not familiar with financial regulation so that they can innovate. I don’t want to disparage this argument entirely, but it is incumbent on those who make this argument to also chart out the path for innovators to come into the regulated space. It seems to me there is more thinking to be done on the issue of how to facilitate innovative entry into highly regulated sectors, like financial services.

Second, regulatory authorities need to invest in knowledge, people, and resources to understand, assess, and supervise emerging technologies. While FSB’s work in these areas, and the reports we publish are a crucial step, it is equally important that the  regulators and supervisors who interact with financial institutions daily are equipped with the knowledge and tools to understand and manage the impact of these new technologies. This is not trivial. To a significant degree, much day-to-day supervision still relies predominantly on physical scrutiny of paper records and in-person interviews. Regulatory data reporting continues to follow a very 20th-century model. Looking forward, the process of becoming a skilled regulator will still require a deep understanding of financial risks, but the regulator’s skillset must surely expand with the pace of financial innovation. I suspect more regulators will need to better understand blockchain technology, data science, and AI models to effectively regulate and supervise their financial institutions.  We should be clear that whatever additional challenges technology brings, it also brings potential solutions. The way we traditionally construct our regulatory budgets, financing, and recruitment may not be well suited to meeting these challenges, but the solutions are there in the very same technology that concerns us. We should clearly grasp the need to invest and to innovate in the RegTech and SupTech space.

Third, even if finance is still doing the same things it always did, the fact that it does it in apparently new ways that can cause significant legal uncertainty. We have seen many jurisdictions get caught up, for example on the issue of whether crypto assets are, legally, securities or not. This problem often interacts with the previous two: where there is uncertainty as to how to balance the facilitation of innovation with the protection of customers and the system, we see a hesitation to act to clarify legal obligations. That hesitation has become a significant part of the pattern of responses to technological innovation in finance services and can be closely related to the inherently longer cycle for legislative or rule changes to catch up with technological innovation.

Perhaps that hesitation does little harm to financial stability when the innovators are having limited success, but we have already seen the pace of innovation in the communications and social media space being extremely fast and if certain network connections and certain degrees of scale are achieved, mass adoption and dominant market players emerge prior to effective regulatory frameworks. A similar hesitation to eliminate legal uncertainty combined with network effects could give rise to a quiet build up of financial stability risks right under our noses. No one should play with a loaded gun and that may be the case if governments are to delay addressing the build up of risks  in major financial markets.

Finally, authorities need to prepare for and understand the risks of a financial system that moves faster than we’re used to. As financial institutions improve their capabilities and leverage technological innovation to automate processes and offer services with faster speeds, regulators need to consider how they too can identify and measure risks that move faster, respond faster to build ups of leverage or liquidity imbalances in the system or as we saw with Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse – respond to failures and systemic stress that emerge very quickly. In particular, regulators and policy makers need to be prepared to manage crises that emerge in days or hours instead of weeks and months, and where the flow of information to the markets is nearly instantaneous. The crisis weekend may be a thing of the past in the near future.

Financial regulatory systems do not need massive overhauls or drastic changes to respond to these emerging technologies because the underlying risks are the same – we know how to regulate and supervise these risks. What is apparent, however, is that regulators need to be prepared to swiftly understand, respond, and adjust their frameworks and oversight of these emerging technologies, so that our financial systems can harness the benefits of these new technologies while containing the risks.

Failure to respond swiftly can lead to fragmentation across global financial markets, for example as we’re seeing with some crypto-asset activities that evade regulations and choose to operate without obtaining regulatory approvals. The FSB is in a unique position given our broad membership to develop internationally agreed policy responses, share information, and build capacity to help financial regulators become more agile and prepare for a faster financial system. Our members, and the broader financial regulatory community, must remain committed to implementing internationally agreed policies and recommendations to address these risks and work together to ensure the benefits of financial innovations outweigh the potential risks if we are too slow to react.

FSB appoints new chairs of key committees

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Ref: 6/2025

  • Tiff Macklem, Governor of the Bank of Canada, appointed as Chair of the FSB Standing Committee for the Assessment of Vulnerabilities (SCAV).
  • Dominique Laboureix, Chair of the Single Resolution Board, appointed as Chair of the Resolution Steering Group (ReSG).
  • Both appointments are effective as of 4 March 2025.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has appointed the chairs of two of its Standing Committees, following the departures of the previous chairs:

  • Tiff Macklem, Governor of the Bank of Canada, has been appointed as Chair of the Standing Committee on Assessment of Vulnerabilities (SCAV). The SCAV monitors and assesses vulnerabilities in the global financial system and proposes to the FSB Plenary actions needed to address them.
  • Dominique Laboureix, Chair of the Single Resolution Board, has been appointed as Chair of the Resolution Steering Group (ReSG). The ReSG is the primary global forum for the development of global standards and guidance for resolution regimes and for recovery and resolution planning for systemically important financial institutions. 

Both appointments are effective from 4 March 2025 and are for a two-year term, renewable once.

On the committee appointments, FSB Chair, Klaas Knot said “At a time when the financial landscape is rapidly evolving, identifying and addressing vulnerabilities is paramount to maintaining global financial stability. The 2023 banking turmoil underscored the importance of our work on both the assessment of vulnerabilities and resolution. Tiff and Dominique’s extensive experience makes them invaluable for these roles and I look forward to working with them both.”

Klaas Knot also thanked the outgoing Chairs, Nellie Liang (former Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, US Department of the Treasury, and outgoing Chair of SCAV) and Martin J. Gruenberg (former Chairman of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and outgoing Chair of ReSG), for their leadership and contributions to the FSB’s work.

Notes to editors

Tiff Macklem was appointed Governor of the Bank of Canada on 3 June 2020. He served as Chair of the FSB Standing Committee on Standards Implementation from 2009 to 2013, in his position as Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada. He replaces Nellie Liang who stepped down from the US Treasury Department in January 2025.

Dominique Laboureix was appointed Chair of the Single Resolution Board in January 2023. He replaces Martin J. Gruenberg who retired from the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in January 2025.

The FSB Standing Committees have been established by the FSB Plenary to each take forward part of the FSB’s mandate. Their mandates are set out in the FSB Charter, and their current memberships are available here

The Resolution Steering Group (ReSG) was established in 2010 in response to a call from G20 Leaders at the 2009 Pittsburgh Summit for the development of “tools and frameworks for the effective resolution of financial groups to help mitigate the disruption of financial institution failures and reduce moral hazard in the future”. ReSG’ s initial mandate was to draft the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions (‘Key Attributes’) to help build a common policy framework that countries could use to develop resolution regimes enabling authorities to manage the failure of systemically important financial institutions.

The FSB coordinates at the international level the work of national financial authorities and international standard-setting bodies and develops and promotes the implementation of effective regulatory, supervisory, and other financial sector policies in the interest of financial stability. It brings together national authorities responsible for financial stability in 24 countries and jurisdictions, international financial institutions, sector-specific international groupings of regulators and supervisors, and committees of central bank experts. The FSB also conducts outreach with approximately 70 other jurisdictions through its six Regional Consultative Groups.

The FSB is chaired by Klaas Knot, President of De Nederlandsche Bank. The FSB Secretariat is located in Basel, Switzerland and hosted by the Bank for International Settlements.

Call for papers: 2025 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA)

The FSB invites academic paper submissions for a session on ‘The Impact of Extreme Weather Events on the Financial System’ at the 2025 Annual Meeting of CEBRA.

The meeting is co-organised with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Business School Pricing Lab, and will take place at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and Harvard Business School from 6 to 8 August 2025.

While the global macroeconomic effects of extreme weather events – such as floods, droughts, heat waves and storms – have remained limited to date, partly due to their localised impacts and the reliance (primarily in advanced economies) on insurance as a risk mitigation tool, historical experience may not adequately predict their future impact. Uncertainties around the timing, magnitude, non-linearity and spillover effects of extreme weather events, as well as potential mispricing or mismanagement of associated risks, complicate assessments of their impact on the economy and the financial system.

The financial effects of extreme weather events are growing, and a greater understanding is needed of how those effects propagate though the financial system compared to conventional financial shocks. The increasing magnitude of economic losses from these events may impact institutions’ ability to continue to provide financial services in certain segments and geographies. Because of this, there is a growing need to assess the potential risks to financial stability from a forward-looking perspective.

We invite authors to submit papers analysing and providing insights on the direct and indirect impacts of extreme weather events on the financial system. Papers that explore the cross-border and cross-sectoral transmission of such events, and their risk implications for financial institutions, are particularly welcome. 

Papers should be submitted on the CEBRA website by 20 March 2025.

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: February 2025

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The outlook for the global economy is characterised by shifting financial conditions and geopolitical uncertainty. Against this backdrop, it is important that we remain attentive to global financial stability.

This letter was submitted to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) ahead of the G20’s meeting on 26-27 February.

Under the G20’s leadership, and working through its members, the FSB has developed extensive reforms in recent years to enhance resilience by addressing key financial system vulnerabilities.

With key reforms developed or nearing completion, the letter sets out the prominent role that the promotion and monitoring of implementation will play in the FSB’s work this year. The letter also sets out the other work underway at the FSB in 2025 and its relevance to global financial stability.

FSB reports to the G20 in 2025
Date Report
April Final Format for Incident Reporting Exchange (FIRE)
July NBFI leverage policy recommendations – final report
Workplan to address issues related to non-bank data availability, use and quality
Climate roadmap progress report
October       Vulnerabilities associated with the use of artificial intelligence in finance
Thematic peer review of crypto-assets recommendation implementation
Implementation monitoring review progress report
Cross-border payments roadmap progress and KPI monitoring report (combined)

FSB Chair calls for renewed focus on implementation

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Ref: 5/2025

  • Under the South African G20 Presidency, the FSB is prioritising the promotion and monitoring of key reforms, with a strategic review and interim report set for delivery in 2025.
  • Implementation work also includes a peer review on implementation of the FSB’s global regulatory framework for crypto-asset markets and activities and global stablecoin arrangements.
  • Letter outlines key issues the FSB is working on in 2025, including cross-border payments, non-bank financial intermediation, digital innovation and climate-related financial risks.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) today published a letter from its Chair, Klaas Knot, to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors ahead of their meeting on 26-27 February.

The letter notes that shifting financial conditions and geopolitical uncertainty call for continued vigilance on financial stability. The FSB has developed extensive reforms in recent years to enhance resilience by addressing key financial system vulnerabilities. These reforms target not only safety and soundness, but also support innovation by providing clarity on policy approaches for emerging topics like crypto-assets.

The letter notes that with key reforms developed or nearing completion, the FSB is shifting toward a greater focus on the promotion and monitoring of implementation. This work will take a prominent role in 2025 as the FSB undertakes a strategic review of 15 years of monitoring reform implementation. The review will provide insights into the effectiveness of the monitoring of post-global financial crisis regulatory reforms and identify areas where the FSB can make improvements in the tools it uses to ensure the consistent, global implementation of agreed reforms. The FSB will deliver an interim report on this work to the G20 in October.

The FSB will also remain proactive in assessing financial system vulnerabilities. This includes work to address data and information gaps in non-bank financial intermediation, which have impeded the effective assessment of relevant vulnerabilities and the formulation of proportionate policy responses.

The letter sets out in more detail the work underway this year at the FSB and its relevance to international financial stability.

Notes to editors

The FSB coordinates and oversees the monitoring of the implementation of agreed financial reforms and its reporting to the G20. This includes reporting on members’ commitments and progress in implementing international financial standards and other policy initiatives; conducting peer reviews of FSB members (which are an obligation of membership); and encouraging global adherence to prudential regulatory and supervisory standards.

The FSB coordinates at the international level the work of national financial authorities and international standard-setting bodies and develops and promotes the implementation of effective regulatory, supervisory, and other financial sector policies in the interest of financial stability. It brings together national authorities responsible for financial stability in 24 countries and jurisdictions, international financial institutions, sector-specific international groupings of regulators and supervisors, and committees of central bank experts. The FSB also conducts outreach with approximately 70 other jurisdictions through its six Regional Consultative Groups.

The FSB is chaired by Klaas Knot, President of De Nederlandsche Bank. The FSB Secretariat is located in Basel, Switzerland and hosted by the Bank for International Settlements.

Thematic Peer Review on FSB Global Regulatory Framework for Crypto-asset Activities

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The FSB is committed to promoting implementation of the FSB’s Global Regulatory framework for crypto-assets and engaging beyond G-20 jurisdictions.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is seeking feedback from stakeholders as part of its thematic peer review on the implementation of its global regulatory framework for crypto-asset activities. The framework consists of two sets of high-level recommendations for the regulation, supervision and oversight of (i) crypto-asset activities and markets, and (ii) “global stablecoin” arrangements.

The objective of the review is to examine progress made by FSB member and select non-member jurisdictions in implementing the FSB’s global regulatory framework, including any lessons learnt. The Summary Terms of Reference provides more details on the objectives, scope, and process for this review.

The FSB has distributed a questionnaire to relevant jurisdictions to collect information. In addition, as part of this peer review, the FSB invites feedback from stakeholders on the following issues:

  • Impact of jurisdictional regulatory frameworks on decisions of crypto-asset issuers and service providers (including stablecoin arrangements) to locate and structure their business.
  • Experiences and challenges faced by crypto-asset market participants to meet the relevant regulatory and supervisory requirements.
  • How financial stability vulnerabilities of crypto asset activities, including stablecoins, differ across jurisdictions (e.g. based on the scale and materiality of the adoption of services) and how vulnerabilities are evolving (e.g. in type or magnitude) as jurisdictions implement relevant regulatory and supervisory frameworks. 
  • Whether there are specific market practices and/or trends in certain geographies and/or segments that may pose a threat to financial stability.

Feedback should be submitted by 28 March 2025 to [email protected] under the subject heading “FSB Thematic Peer Review on global crypto”. Individual submissions will not be made public. The peer review report is expected to be published in October 2025.

The Financial Stability Board appoints new members to its Taskforce on Legal, Regulatory and Supervisory matters

The LRS Taskforce in its new composition will continue to provide a forum for engagement between public- and private-sector experts to support the G20 Roadmap for enhancing cross-border payments.

The Financial Stability Board has renewed the composition of its Taskforce on Legal, Regulatory, and Supervisory matters (LRS Taskforce). The Taskforce aims to strengthen collaboration between the public sector and senior managers from the private sector to support the G20 Roadmap for enhancing cross-border payments.

Following a public call for nominations for senior private-sector applicants with significant experience and direct responsibilities related to cross-border payments in the areas of compliance, legal, cross-border operations or risk management, the FSB has invited 12 new members to join the Taskforce. The selection aims to achieve a diverse membership from both a geographic and business perspective.

The FSB LRS Taskforce will continue to work in close cooperation with the Bank for International Settlements’ Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) Taskforce on Cross-border Payments Interoperability and Extension.

The LRS Taskforce composition is renewed periodically every two years.

FSB MENA Group discusses cross-border payments, non-bank financial intermediation and crypto-asset recommendations

Press enquiries:
+41 61 280 8477
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Ref: 4/2025

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) Regional Consultative Group for the Middle East and North Africa (RCG MENA) met on 29 and 30 January 2025 in Sharm El Sheikh, hosted by the Central Bank of Egypt.  

The meeting started with an overview of the FSB’s work programme for 2025. Members exchanged views on how to best incorporate their regional perspective into the planned initiatives. Accelerating progress in cross-border payments, strengthening the resilience of non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI), and implementing the FSB’s regulatory framework for crypto-assets were considered among the areas most relevant for the MENA region.

On the topic of cross-border payments, members discussed the FSB’s 2024 progress report on the G20 Roadmap for cross-border payments and the challenges to further improve the speed and cost of transactions. These challenges include frictions that arise from the laws, rules, and regulatory requirements for collecting, storing, and managing data that must accompany a cross-border payment. To address this, implementation of the FSB’s recommendations to promote interoperability in data frameworks was seen as a priority.

Members reviewed recent NBFI developments, drawing on the findings of the FSB’s latest Global Monitoring Report on Non-Bank Financial Intermediation and were briefed by IOSCO on its recent publications on open-ended funds and liquidity risk management in collective investment schemes. They also discussed the FSB’s proposed package of recommendations to address leverage in the NBFI sector, and the approach to equip authorities with the flexibility needed to address specific risks within jurisdictions, while allowing for a consistency of outcomes across jurisdictions.

Members shared experiences of crypto usage in their jurisdictions and progress in the development of regulatory frameworks for crypto-assets and stablecoins, including challenges in implementing the FSB’s recommendations.

Finally, members exchanged views on global and regional market developments, including perspectives on the outlook for financial stability and geopolitical risks; high levels of sovereign debt could become a source of vulnerabilities.

Notes to editors

The FSB RCG for the Middle East and North Africa is co-chaired by Governor Ayman M. Al-Sayari, Saudi Central Bank, and Governor Hassan Abdalla, Central Bank of Egypt. Membership includes financial authorities from Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Türkiye and the United Arab Emirates.

The FSB has six Regional Consultative Groups, established under the FSB Charter, to bring together financial authorities from FSB member and non-member countries to exchange views on vulnerabilities affecting financial systems and on initiatives to promote financial stability.1 Typically, each Regional Consultative Group meets twice each year.

The FSB coordinates at the international level the work of national financial authorities and international standard-setting bodies and develops and promotes the implementation of effective regulatory, supervisory, and other financial sector policies in the interest of financial stability. It brings together national authorities responsible for financial stability in 24 countries and jurisdictions, international financial institutions, sector-specific international groupings of regulators and supervisors, and committees of central bank experts. The FSB also conducts outreach with approximately 70 other jurisdictions through its six Regional Consultative Groups.

The FSB is chaired by Klaas Knot, President of De Nederlandsche Bank. The FSB Secretariat is located in Basel, Switzerland and hosted by the Bank for International Settlements.

  1. The FSB Regional Consultative Groups cover the following regions: Americas, Asia, Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe, Middle East and North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. ↩︎