The Financial Stability Board has renewed the composition of its Taskforce on Legal, Regulatory, and Supervisory matters (LRS Taskforce). The Taskforce aims to strengthen collaboration between the public sector and senior managers from the private sector to support the G20 Roadmap for enhancing cross-border payments.

Following a public call for nominations for senior private-sector applicants with significant experience and direct responsibilities related to cross-border payments in the areas of compliance, legal, cross-border operations or risk management, the FSB has invited 12 new members to join the Taskforce. The selection aims to achieve a diverse membership from both a geographic and business perspective.

The FSB LRS Taskforce will continue to work in close cooperation with the Bank for International Settlements’ Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) Taskforce on Cross-border Payments Interoperability and Extension.

The LRS Taskforce composition is renewed periodically every two years.