Summary of document history
On 2 July 2024, the FSB published a consultation report on the evaluation of the effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms on securitisation. The objective of the consultation was to gather stakeholder feedback on the interim findings of the evaluation.
The FSB received 16 responses to the consultation, which ended on 2 September 2024.
During the consultation period, the FSB hosted a virtual public workshop on 22 August and organised a roundtable with academics to receive additional external views on the conceptual and empirical arguments for risk retention in collateralised loan obligations (CLOs).
This note summarises the feedback received on the consultation report – both from the public responses and from the workshop – and sets out the main changes made to the final report in order to address them. The note also provides a short overview of additional analysis carried out by the FSB since the consultation report to enhance the robustness of the results.