Resolution and Crisis Management

FSB Europe Group discusses regional developments and lessons learned from March bank failures

FSB holds meeting of its Regional Consultative Group for Europe in Madrid.

Promoting Global Financial Stability: 2023 FSB Annual Report

Report presents the FSB’s assessment of current and emerging vulnerabilities in the global financial system and reflections from the March banking turmoil; outlines the FSB’s work to address these vulnerabilities; and reports on the implementation and effects of G20 financial reforms.

Annual Report highlights FSB’s work to assess and address vulnerabilities in the global financial system

2023 annual report to the G20 describes reflections on the March banking turmoil, financial stability outlook, the FSB’s priority areas of work and the implementation and effects of the financial regulatory reforms

2023 Bank Failures: Preliminary lessons learnt for resolution

Report reviews the events of March 2023 in Switzerland, the US, and the UK, the handling of distressed banks, and the implications for the effective operationalisation and implementation of the FSB’s Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions.

FSB review of 2023 bank failures assesses implications for the operation of the international resolution framework

Report identifies lessons learnt regarding the FSB Key Attributes’ framework for resolving global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) and other systemically important banks.

Financial Resources and Tools for Central Counterparty Resolution: Consultation report

Report proposes a set of resolution-specific resources and tools to support the resolution of a central counterparty (CCP).

FSB proposes a toolbox of financial resources and tools for the resolution of central counterparties (CCPs)

The Financial Stability Board is seeking comments on its consultation report, which sets out a proposal for a toolbox approach as a global standard for central counterparty (CCP) financial resources and tools for resolution.

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders: September 2023

FSB Chair Klaas Knot’s letter to the G20 Leaders ahead of their September Summit in New Delhi.

FSB Chair writes to G20 Leaders ahead of the New Delhi Summit

The Chair outlines FSB work to address vulnerabilities within the financial system and address the financial stability implications of digitalisation and climate change; and calls for continued support as work to enhance cross-border payments shifts to focus on practical projects.

Deployment of Unallocated Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (uTLAC): Considerations for Crisis Management Groups (CMGs)

Report outlines considerations on the possible form, location and approaches to deployment of unallocated TLAC (uTLAC) resources to assist effective coordination among authorities in the run-up to and during a resolution of a global systemically important bank (G-SIB).


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