Dashboard from the third annual report to G20 Leaders on the implementation status of priority reform areas.
OTC Derivatives
Third annual report to G20 Leaders on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.
3 July 2017
FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders ahead of their meeting in Hamburg on 7-8 July.
FSB publishes annual report, Chair’s letter and framework for evaluation of reforms ahead of G20 Leaders’ Summit.
29 June 2017
Comprehensive review of the implementation of OTC derivatives markets reforms.
29 June 2017
Progress report on actions by FSB member jurisdictions to address barriers to accessing trade reporting data.
29 June 2017
FSB releases three reports on implementation and effectiveness of reforms to OTC derivatives markets.
Progress report on implementation of reforms to OTC derivatives markets.
Keynote speech by Svein Andresen, Secretary General of the Financial Stability Board, at the ISDA AGM.
20 April 2017
Keynote speech by Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England and Chair of the Financial Stability Board, at the Institute of International Finance’s Washington Policy Summit, on 20 April 2017.