FSB Chair co-authors article on correspondent banking and financial inclusion

An article, “Keep finance safe but do not shut out the vulnerable”, by FSB Chair Mark Carney and World Bank Group CFO Bertrand Badré was published in the Financial Times (3 June print edition).

Developments in credit risk management across sectors: current practices and recommendations

The report provides insight into the current supervisory framework around credit risk, the state of credit risk management at firms and implications for the supervisory and regulatory treatments of credit risk.

Enhanced guidance for effective deposit insurance systems – Multiple deposit insurance organizations

This paper surveys countries with more than one deposit insurance organisation and provides the enhanced guidance for countries with multiple deposit insurance organizations as requested by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Thematic Review on Deposit Insurance Systems: Peer Review Report.

Enhanced guidance for effective deposit insurance systems – Ex-ante funding

This paper examines ex-ante funding and suggests additional guidance for effective deposit insurance practice as requested by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Thematic Review on Deposit Insurance Systems: Peer Review Report.

Guidance for a Risk-Based Approach to Virtual Currencies

The FATF developed this Guidance focusing on the points of intersection that provide gateways to the regulated financial system, in particular convertible virtual currency exchangers, and will continue to monitor developments in VCPPS, emerging risks and mitigating factors to update this Guidance, to include - where appropriate - emerging best practices to address regulatory issues arising in respect of ML/TF risks associated with VCPPS.

Best Practices on Combating the Abuse of Non-Profit Organisations

The FATF Best Practices Paper is aimed at preventing the misuse of NPOs for the financing of terrorism while, at the same time, respecting legitimate actions of NPOs.

FSB RCG Americas meets in Cancún, México

Today, the Banco de México hosted the eighth meeting of the FSB Regional Consultative Group (RCG) for the Americas in Cancún, México.

FSB publishes Thematic Review on Supervisory Frameworks and Approaches for SIBs

The FSB published today the peer review report on national authorities’ implementation of the FSB recommendations for more effective supervision, in particular for G-SIBs.

Thematic Review on Supervisory Frameworks and Approaches for SIBs

The review assesses progress towards implementing the FSB recommendations for more effective supervision since the financial crisis, in particular for G-SIBs.

Handbook on Securities Statistics

This Handbook on Securities Statistics (Handbook) provides a conceptual framework for the compilation and presentation of statistics on different types of equity and debt securities, including those derived from the securitisation of assets.


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