FSB welcomes industry initiative to remove cross-border close-out risk

The FSB welcomes the announcement today by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) of the agreement of a protocol to the ISDA Master Agreement as an important step to improve the effectiveness of cross-border resolution actions.

Statement by Mark Carney Chairman of the Financial Stability Board to the International Monetary and Financial Committee

This statement includes an assessment of progress in financial reforms and highlights the remaining challenges.

Guidance on Transparency and Beneficial Ownership

This FATF Guidance assists countries to design and implement measures that will deter and prevent the misuse of corporate vehicles, such as companies, trusts and other types of legal persons and arrangements – for money laundering, terrorist financing and other illicit purposes.

Risk-Based Approach for the Banking Sector

This Guidance helps in the design and implementation of a risk-based approach for the banking sector, taking into account national risk assessments and the national legal and regulatory frameworks, as well as helps develop a common understanding of the risk-based approach between supervisory authorities and banks.

FSB RCG MENA meets in Dead Sea, Jordan

The Central Bank of Jordan hosted the sixth meeting of the FSB Regional Consultative Group for the Middle East and North Africa (RCG-MENA) in Dead Sea, Jordan.

FSB RCG SSA meets in Cape Town, South Africa

The South African Reserve Bank hosted the sixth meeting of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Regional Consultative Group (RCG) for Sub-Saharan Africa in Cape Town, South Africa.

Final Report on Foreign Exchange Benchmarks

This report sets out reform recommendations for major FX benchmark rates, responding to concerns around the integrity of these rates.

FSB releases its Final Report on Foreign Exchange Benchmarks

This report sets out a number of recommendations for reform in the FX markets and in the benchmark rates that have been identified as pre-eminent by market participants.

2014 Progress Report on Implementation of the EDTF Principles and Recommendations

The third report prepared by Enhanced Disclosure Task Force presents the progress made in application of the recommendations in its first report Enhancing the Risk Disclosures of Banks, October 2012.

FSB welcomes the 2014 EDTF Report on Implementation of the EDTF Principles and Recommendations

The FSB welcomes the publication of the second progress report by the EDTF which assesses the implementation in major banks' 2013 annual reports of the EDTF principles and recommendations.


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