The FSB and the BCBS have updated the list of G-SIBs, using end-2013 data and the updated assessment methodology published by the BCBS in July 2013. One bank, Agricultural Bank of China, has been added to the list of G-SIBs that were identified in 2013, increasing the overall number from 29 to 30. The changes in the institutions included in the list and in their allocation across buckets reflect the combined effects of data quality improvements, changes in underlying activity, and the use of supervisory judgement. The assignment of the G-SIBs to the buckets in the updated list published today determines the higher loss absorbency requirement that will apply to each G-SIB as these requirements begin to be phased in from 1 January 2016 (with full implementation by 1 January 2019). The higher loss absorbency requirements for the G-SIBs identified in the annual update each November will apply to them as from January fourteen months later.