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The purpose of this GFSM is to support the compilation of methodologically sound and cross-country comparable government finance data, which support the analysis of fiscal policy and promote fiscal transparency. The GFSM sets out the economic and statistical reporting principles to be used in compiling GFS and promotes a statistical presentation which utilize a comprehensive and integrated framework of flows and stock positions. Identified within this integrated framework are a set of analytically useful fiscal aggregates and balancing items. The guidelines set out in the GFSM 2014 are closely harmonised with the 2008 System of National Accounts and other key macroeconomic statistical guidelines.

Assessment Methodology

View the Assessment Methodology

The generic Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF) May 2012 serves as an umbrella for seven dataset-specific frameworks. The current May 2012 version of the DQAF is an update of the July 2003 version of the DQAF to reflect experience and international statistical developments, particularly updated international methodological standards.