Financial regulatory factors affecting the availability of long-term investment finance

The most important contribution of financial regulatory reforms to LT investment finance is to promote a safer, sounder and therefore more resilient financial system. If implemented in timely and consistent manner, these reforms will help rebuild confidence in the global financial system, which will enhance its ability to intermediate financial flows through the cycle and […]

Meeting of the G20 Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: Update by the IASB and FASB

FSB Chair’s Letter to G20 Ministers and Governors on financial regulatory reforms

FSB Chair reviews the progress made in implementation of financial regulatory reforms, provides an assessment of the effect of the G20 financial regulatory programme on the availability of long term investment finance, and highlights FSB's priorities and work plans.

FSB Chair Letter sent to the G20 Ministers and Governors

Financial Stability Board reports to G20 on progress of financial regulatory reforms

The Chairman of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) reported to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors today on progress in the financial regulatory reform programme. In connection with this, the FSB is publishing today: a letter by the FSB Chair to the G20, sent ahead of their meeting, reporting on the good progress […]

Financial Stability Board reports to G20 on progress of financial regulatory reforms

Supervisory guidance for managing risks associated with the settlement of foreign exchange transactions

This document provides guidance to supervisors and banks on approaches for managing the risks associated with the settlement of foreign exchange (FX) transactions. It expands on, and replaces, the Basel Committee's Supervisory guidance for managing settlement risk in foreign exchange transactions published in 2000.

Regional Consultative Group of Europe

FSB completes Thematic Review on Risk Governance

The peer review found that, since the crisis, national authorities have taken several measures to improve regulatory and supervisory oversight of risk governance at financial institutions.

Thematic Review on Risk Governance

The report takes stock of risk governance practices at national authorities and firms, notes progress made since the financial crisis, identifies sound practices and sets out recommendations.


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