View the Standard and its Assessment Methodology

The BCBS has merged the Core Principles and the assessment methodology into a single comprehensive document. The revised set of twenty-nine Core Principles have also been reorganised to foster their implementation through a more logical structure starting with supervisory powers, responsibilities and functions, and followed by supervisory expectations of banks, emphasising the importance of good corporate governance and risk management, as well as compliance with supervisory standards. For comparability with the preceding version, a mapping table is provided in Annex 1. Important enhancements have been introduced into the individual Core Principles, particularly in those areas that are necessary to strengthen supervisory practices and risk management. Various additional criteria have been upgraded to essential criteria as a result, while new assessment criteria were warranted in other instances. Close attention was given to addressing many of the significant risk management weaknesses and other vulnerabilities highlighted in the last crisis. The Committee has also sought to give appropriate emphasis to emerging issues by embedding them into the Core Principles, as appropriate, and including specific references under each relevant Principle.