Progress since the St Andrews meeting in Implementing the G20 Recommendations for Strengthening Financial Stability

This report describes the measures that have been taken and other progress made to implement the recommendations made by the G20 and the FSB for strengthening financial stability since the November 2009 meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at St Andrews.

Guidance paper on the treatment of non-regulated entities in group-wide supervision

The purpose of this paper is to encourage the establishment of sufficient supervisory power and authority to ensure that supervision has proper regard to all entities which may affect the overall risk profile and/or financial position of the group as a whole and/or the individual entities within the group; and to promote greater consistency between jurisdictions.

Disclosure Principles for Public Offerings and Listings of Asset-Backed Securities

The disclosure topics highlighted in the ABS Disclosure Principles are intended as a starting point for consideration and analysis by securities regulators.

FSB completes Thematic Review on Compensation Practices (2010)

This report finds that significant progress has been made in incorporating the FSB Principles and Standards into domestic regulatory and supervisory frameworks.

FSB Announces Future Peer Reviews

Thematic Review on Compensation (2010)

This report provides an overall assessment of the status of implementation and makes recommendations of additional measures to deliver effective and sustained changes in industry practices.

Oliver Wyman Report

Report and recommendations of the Cross-border Bank Resolution Group

The Basel Committee's Cross-border Bank Resolution Group (CBRG) developed the Recommendations as a product of its stocktaking of legal and policy frameworks for cross-border crises resolutions and its follow-up work to identify the lessons learned from the financial crisis which began in August 2007.

FSB Launches Initiative to Promote Global Adherence to Cooperation and Information Exchange Standards

FSB launches initiative to promote global adherence to cooperation and information exchange standards

This document defines the scope of standards to be monitored and the criteria for prioritizing jurisdictions for evaluation. It describes the FSB evaluation process as well as the tools to monitor progress and promote cooperation between regulators and supervisors in the banking, insurance and securities sectors.


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